Sunday 26 June 2011

Novel draft 2

I posted an idea of a novel I was working on a few months ago. Since then, I have tweaked the plot etc a lot (to the point it is now almost an entirely different story) but it feels a lot more comfortable now. Friends who are reading this know my love of horror, so it will come as no surprise that this is again a horror tale.

As before, I will post a small extract:

Chapter 1

Kevin sheepishly rummaged through the contents in the dust ridden sack. His hand brushed the old boot he was so weary of. He hated the idea that something may be lurking in the moth eaten souls, ready to make a quick dash at the first sign of danger. He always did hate spiders.   
                The attic was huge compared to his old one. Despite being full of things like an old piano, ancient grandfather clocks and huge wardrobes, it was still big enough for him to fit any bags in he needed to, and therefore meant he didn’t have to empty it-a relief to say the least. He had been curiously making his way around the space for the past hour and a half, inspecting everything he came across. He had discovered some rotting, yet obviously grandeur and eccentric, books written in Latin and even found his uncle’s old gramophone. He loved rooting through this stuff, though hated the feeling of not knowing what little creatures were waiting for him. 
                Kevin swiftly moved on before any spiders could introduce themselves and made his way to the far corner where the cobwebs looked decades old. By now, the sun had rapidly started to set and what light the grime covered sky light allowed in was diminishing fast. He switched his flashlight on and sighed as the feeble trickle of light illuminated his surroundings the best it could. The floorboards here were darker, as though red wine or some other rich substance had been spilt. Kevin laughed to himself as he imagined his grandfather peacefully sipping from his immaculate glass. Probably a mature fine Italian or French wine, only the best. To the right of this, an old leather bound notebook laid, the worn buckle still keeping the browning pages together. Kevin shrunk to his knees and stretched full length to retrieve it. His fingers brushed the dusty journal before he managed to get a suitable grip and pull it towards him. He shone the light on it, the beam showing a red brown face with an indistinguishable scribble running across the middle of it, deeply faded by the years of abandonment. He squinted and tried to make out any recognizable symbols but failed. Defeated, he carefully unhinged the buckle. The book seemed to expand, as though releasing a breath that had been held for many, many years.

Chapter 2

Kevin’s knees were now aching, the combination of solid wood and sharp grit bedding itself into his skin. The gathered the old diary in one hand whilst levering himself with the other. He slumped into an old rocking chair to his right, and this time it was he who was exhaling a much needed breath.
                The air was thin up here and he could feel the cold starting to creep through every crevice it could. He decided to give the diary a quick look before retiring to a much needed bath and then bed. The idea itself made him warm inside but the sharp snap of cold breeze on the back of his neck soon awoke his senses again.
                He turned the flashlight on and turned to the first page of the journal, its spine cracking like many of the old books he had come across earlier today. Here the writing was much more readable and the handwriting was surprisingly similar to his.
                He leaned back into the chair even further, the groans now louder than before. As he gently rocked, he positioned the diary between his hands on his knees and rested the light against his stomach. Comfortable, though slightly colder than he would like, he began to read.

The following is an extract from the diary of James Samuel Walter written in 1942:


You'll have to wait to see was written! Anyhow, as yet I have not got a title and I don't want to give too much about the plot away but I can reveal it is (sort of) based on a vampire, or vampire-esque thing

When I have a title etc., I will give an update.

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