Since my sister got hers you're lucky if she acknowledges you these days. Even when we go out as a family her head is buried in the thing, continuously typing like a trained monkey on speed. I swore to myself I would never enter that world.
And then...
Yesterday I got news that I have in fact been bought a Blackberry. Don't know which one etc., but whatever shape it comes in I'm rather scared. Not wanting to say no to the nice gesture I accepted. To be fair, friends have them and they don't seem that bad. But I really don't want to end up like my 16 year old sister, updating my BBM status after every meal, sleep and minutely interesting incident that occurs before me.
I've never been one of the people who live on Facebook, Twitter and their phones. In fact I probably use all three the least out of all my friends. I don't really want that to change. I'm happy living a real life, though that may get tested within the next week when the little black box of addiction arrives at my door.
Maybe it won't be so bad or maybe I'll be on here again very soon begging everyone to add my pin. We shall see. Anyhow, this post is a sort of prelude to a social networking post I plan to write soon so stay tuned!
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