Friday 29 April 2011

Today I Might Write A Novel...

I've always wanted to write a novel. One about a lone character finding his way through life after some sort of cataclysmic event, a la The Road or I am Legend.

Today I thought I'd start my novel. I've got a basic plot and hope to add to it when I can. It may take years, it may never get finished. But at least I've finally put my thoughts on paper.

So currently, I'm inspired by I am Legend and Dracula. Dracula? Yes, the format that is. The unique diary entries giving a personal touch you simply can't get otherwise. I sort of want it to feature some horror but not silly monsters- human monsters if you understand. I also want there to be an undercurrent of romance somewhere. Hopefully all this will develop in due course.

Here's a snippet of what I have so far...

Dear Darla (working title) by Jamie Davies

19th August  2011

Dear Diary,

No. Dear Darla,

     I am writing this as a way to express my... estranged (?) feelings. Plus, this way I get to speak to you- if you are indeed looking down on me. I know that you are and that alone keeps me going. You know I've never been one to open up, or even one to be considered as 'organized'. Therefore, forgive me if I do not stick to this diary religiously and entries come at random dates etc. 

You'll be glad to know the sun is shining bright as I write this and it is quite mild, as it usually is in August. The countryside looks majestic in such light, just as it was the first time we came to look at the cottage. The cottage, by the way is clean- as you would like it. I make sure Kev doesn't get too accustomed to lounging around, he seems slightly bigger than this time last week. But then golden Labradors never were known as athletic specimens. Kev...
what a ridiculous name for a dog! 

6.00 PM

The sun is starting to set and the lake is turning a mesmerizing shade of orange. I've been seeing those blue-green spots for the past ten minutes. But I have to look, the intensity is brilliant. Just goes to show that the universe carries on as normal; the sun beaming its rays as though the world was as it was. Except it's not, obviously. I often sit awake at night and wonder why humans were allowed to evolve to the point we are now at. What other species would try and wipe out its own kind? 

20th August

8.00 AM

Today I feel vulnerable. Alone. This seclusion was supposed to be our paradise but to be honest, I feel as though I'm a parasite under a microscope. I feel as though some other prominent being is watching over me unseen, merely observing how I act. Maybe there is someone around here, there has to be. I need to see another person. Why Darla? Why did you have to visit your parents on that weekend? You always were attracted to trouble. Sorry, it's not your fault. No-one knew the attack was coming. From normality to World War III in twenty four hours. Then, of course, all hell broke loose. Four fifths of the planet reduced to rubble in a matter of days. Billions of lives lost. Mass hysteria amongst those who survived. I expect mum and dad are gone. 

Unbelievably, there are still small pockets of land where a few lucky beings are left. I know how lucky I am to be one of them. A report I picked up on the wireless (I couldn't tell where from) said there had been accounts of cannibalism already due to a severe lack of food. I, myself, haven't witnessed this... but then I haven't seen another person since that fateful week months ago. 

I'm living off what vegetables manage to grow in the garden. The seeds are scarce now.  I turned the whole back garden over to make my own patch. I know, I know, but it's not like your mum and dad will be popping around soon. 

2.00 PM

I shouldn't be writing this but I can't ignore it. I keep getting this wild idea in my head. What if you'renot dead? What if there is one of these isolated pockets in Cornwall here you're hiding now, thinking about me? But then I think there's no way. A coastal town would stand no chance. And I know you'd get in touch with me somehow by any means. I won't lie, there's always that small grain of hope in the back of my head. A knock at the door. A phone call. Anything. Why didn't we have two cars? Everyone has two cars these days. I'm stuck here, a prisoner in my own home. 

6.00 PM

What small amount of electricity managed to seep into the house has now gone. Need to start a fire, getting dark.

21st August

1.00 PM

I, we, have been here for a few months now and I still don't know our surroundings. Granted, most of this time I've simply sat motionless, drowning in grief and despair over your...

I almost wrote I may go out and find our neighbours but I know beyond these picturesque trees the same destruction you must have seen lies fore. I heard the explosions, I seen the flashes. I tried calling you Darla but it was already too late. My last words to you were 'I Love You'. I'm 'happy' about that. 

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