Tuesday 22 November 2011

My Winter

This is a continuation of my post on DD...

It's getting cold now, very cold. No longer will a t-shirt and jeans combo do; the heavy coats and jackets come out along with the scarfs, gloves and ridiculous bobble hats. But, for once, style doesn't rule substance; as long as your teeth aren't chatting away without consent, looks don't matter.
All this is winter.

Delightful nights in front of the television with the heating on accompanied by close family and dark days out and about with friends and cups of hot chocolate from Costa.
All this is winter.

Rudolph noses, frozen digits, chapped lips and aching joints. All these are winter.

Christmas shopping, same shabby Christmas trees being dragged out the loft, same sharp intake of breath as you step outside from the glorious warmth into the sense tingling bitterness. All this is winter.

Stress of what to buy who for Christmas, dwindling funds, what to have for Christmas dinner, Christmas cracker cracking, advent calendar opening, Christmas candle lighting, Christmas stocking filling, waiting for the 25th day of the twelfth month. All these make warm memories in winter...

Saturday 19 November 2011

A Touchy Subject... Still

This is a story I was told by my girlfriend tonight as she got home from work...

Basically, whilst in work, two black (I'm not sure if that's the PC term or not so forgive me) girls asked her whether they sold a certain product in the store. As she essentially only works on 'her' aisle, there are certain products she is less clued up about than her specialist products. Hence when they asked she answered I don't think we sell x product sorry. Anyhow, a few minutes later one of the girls came back to her friend who was standing nearby with the said product and said 'they do sell x, look' to which her friend replied 'what the f*ck?! Why the f* ck did she tell us they didn't?! I'm f*ckin saying something to her!'

Her friend, sensing tension, told her to leave it as it was an honest mistake.

'But what the f*ck? Is it because we're black?' was her answer.

Seriously, in a week were racial comments have been in the news, why are we still at the stage where you can't even answer a question without someone being offended? Obviously racism is wrong and I'd never condone it but come on, some if the cases you hear are ridiculous. If we truly want an end to such problems, people need to be a little more open minded, a little more open and not as defensive. I hate this 'race' thing anyway, if i have a white cat and a black one, I don't class them as black and white, just cats. Maybe that comparison isn't fair... Or maybe it is, why is it such a grey area? All I know is that when a girl comes home from work unsettled and afraid they've offended someone for answering a question in a non threatening genuine manner then that tells me we're still too uptight about certain issues than we need to be. When are we going to try and move on and make racism a topic of yesteryear?

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Vampires and Werewolves Roam Amongst Us

They do. At least they think they do. If you, like me, watched the documentary on Channel 4 the other night about real life vampire and werewolf cults in America, you'll know what a shambles the very idea is.

'Teen Vampires' it read as the show kicked off and I sat on the couch with the lights off ready to be amazed and scared shitless by a savage group of descendants from Transylvania. How very very disappointed I was. Turns out the whole documentary was centred on a group of kids in America who dress in black and desperately seek attention. You could see some were future murderers looking for a reason for their impending actions.

'I belong to the wolves and crave blood'. No mate, you're an attention seeker. One silly bitch even started swaying declaring she felt 'drunk' after licking the blood of a friends arm. What an absolute farce. Ready to turn over, I reached for the remote when a stout woman appears on screen identifying herself as one of the kids' mothers. Here's the part she tells her adolescent daughter to stop wearing plastic fangs, get a job and some friends... surely? Nope, she invites the group in and gives one of them a huge kitchen knife and asks him to cut himself. The soft bastard nearly slices him arm off as blood flows from the wound. Presumably they all 'feasted' well that night.

How then can one call these vampires? They don't turn to bats, don't turn to ash in sunlight and one even had a Spiderman t-shirt on. Some claimed to be wolves, not vampires. What makes these different you say? Well, they don't like the vampires in the group for a start. Er, that's it actually. Well I despise all these kids, what does that make me? A goblin? A troll? A bat-wolf hybrid?

Apparently, this craze is sweeping American schools. Some even chain each other together as, like a wolf, they pick a mate. And they wonder why they don't fit in? Anyone did that in my school the chain would be round their neck before they could say Robert Pattinson. These are essentially the attention seeking emo kids from school, with extras. Basically, they moan about being different then claim to be just that. Then go home, cut themselves and claim it's in their nature to do so.

In all seriousness though, it was sad to see some of these formerly driven kids reduced to sitting in a room full of candles, obviously depressed, and making excuses that it's normal as they're vampires. I was looking forward to the new Twighlight movie, but if it's just going to be Robert Pattinson sitting on his arse in his room all day with his Spiderman pyjamas on crying I think I'll pass.

Note: You can watch the said episode here.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Back in Business

Ahh it's good to be back!

As you can see, I've completely revamped the site with a fresh name and look. The principle stays the same; a cauldron of various topics put across in my own way. I'll start posting again very soon, in the meantime I'll be painstakingly editing various elements on the site...