Tuesday 22 November 2011

My Winter

This is a continuation of my post on DD...

It's getting cold now, very cold. No longer will a t-shirt and jeans combo do; the heavy coats and jackets come out along with the scarfs, gloves and ridiculous bobble hats. But, for once, style doesn't rule substance; as long as your teeth aren't chatting away without consent, looks don't matter.
All this is winter.

Delightful nights in front of the television with the heating on accompanied by close family and dark days out and about with friends and cups of hot chocolate from Costa.
All this is winter.

Rudolph noses, frozen digits, chapped lips and aching joints. All these are winter.

Christmas shopping, same shabby Christmas trees being dragged out the loft, same sharp intake of breath as you step outside from the glorious warmth into the sense tingling bitterness. All this is winter.

Stress of what to buy who for Christmas, dwindling funds, what to have for Christmas dinner, Christmas cracker cracking, advent calendar opening, Christmas candle lighting, Christmas stocking filling, waiting for the 25th day of the twelfth month. All these make warm memories in winter...

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