Sunday 13 March 2011

Waving The White Flag

This article follows on from my original piece at DD&aP and focuses on the current state of our planet and the environment. This week, Japan was rocked by an earthquake like no other it has ever endured (and as I write this I can hear the TV saying they're bracing for a second quake). The images I am seeing right now are comparing before and after satellite shots which are almost unbelievable. This disaster, however, is just the latest in  a long line of catastrophes to happen over the past 12-24 months. Oil slicks, fires, quakes, hurricanes and tsunamis have been quite frequent in recent years. But what's to blame?

The first thing people say is Global Warming. I must say this seems the most likely to myself, and just shows how ignorant we are as a race. We were warned and warned and warned decades before by celebrated scientists yet done nothing to stop the abusing of our planet. It's that stupid thing f Man vs Nature. We need to be the dominant force. But how can you override Mother Nature? You can't. It's like prodding an angry dog; if you carry on it will attack. The more we abuse the planet, the harder it retaliates. Surely now we need to wave the white flag and stop annoying the grander forces of the planet before the decide to eradicate us completely (and who would blame it/them?). Back to Japan briefly, I shudder at the thought of what would have happened if that tsunami had hit a lesser prepared country- total devastation surely.

Another theory I've heard recently as to the reasoning behind the crazy weather recently is the whole 2010 thing. When these rumours started a few years ago I thought yeah, I hear this crap every year and should have been six feet under a decade ago. However, this claim does seem slightly more credible. I don't believe the Mayan prophecies theory, but it's actual fact that there will be a cosmic shift of some kind next year that could affect various elements such as tides etc. Some scientists claim the changes will be minimal- not enough for a normal person as myself to even notice; some say it could trigger a natural disaster of some sort.

However, I'm sticking with the Global Warming theory. The more I write this article the more the anger inside me wells up. Why does it take something this devastating to make people write about our behaviour towards the planet? It should never have got this far. Why is it only now, after such a grand disaster, that the worlds countries are flooding in to help Japan; should we not be one cumulative race 365 days a year no matter what the situation? What an absolutely greedy and money powered era we live in.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

That Unfamiliar Sensation

Faced with a long walk home today, I looked outside the window. The sky was a brilliant blue, a few stray clouds the only blemish on an otherwise prestige canvas. It looked glorious, like a summers day. The trees swayed lightly in the breeze which only made me downhearted.

I've seen this before; an oasis of bliss that awaits on the other side of the pane, only to unveil it's true ways as soon as you step outside and the once enticing surroundings engulf you with a barrage of razor sharp, freezing winds that sting the skin. Winter simply doesn't give in that easy.

I long for the times when summer came early and was a pleasant surprise. When I was a kid, many times did a warm pleasant day disrupt the depressing script of Winter. Not anymore, not now. With this in mind I reached into my pocket and unveiled my trusty gloves. I then wrapped my scarf neatly round my neck and finally pulled my hat over my ears, ensuring I was at least warmer than usual.

Out I stepped, and sure enough, there was a breeze present. But it was different this time. This breeze was a pleasant breeze, mild in temperature and soft on the skin. No grains of sand and stone whipping across my pores, only air. As I turned onto the main road my spirits erupted as the now pounding sun shone strongly on my face. Alas, it was a summers day in winter- the kind I have longed for since I was half my height and I made sure I savoured it. I strolled home leisurely, not wanting the warm sensation, coupled with the light breeze, to ever end. My walk was enjoyable, something I thought unthinkable as I glared through that pane of glass only minutes before.

Amazing, I thought, how something as simple as a spot of sunshine can literally light up your spirits. And with that I continued my journey, a glorious journey.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Crumbs In The Butter #3 - Ballerinas with Studs

Hmmm, should I actually be writing this? This topic gets me so irate it may be best for my future health if I just stopped now. However, that's why I created this blog- to blow some steam amongst other things, so here goes. Modern footballers/ soccer players. JESUS! They make my blood steam! It seems that in the last 20 years, football has slowly been dying. Gone is the passion and loyalty to fans and in is the Buggati's and Lamboghini's. Then there's their attitude. It's so annoying when you've looked forward to and  planned the week around Saturday afternoon only to turn up, freeze your chosen genitalia off, and trod through the same puddles on the way home wondering what in the hell makes you get up and watch that shower of sh*te every week.

Okay, obviously not all footballers represent this 'modern footballer' image but those who do are no doubt ruining the whole spirit of the game. Every week I sit in stupidly cold temperatures after spending another £4/500  on a season ticket, which I inevitably wonder why at some point. Every week I see a 15 stone juggernaut super athlete momentarily dabble in the sport of the High Jump, only to then roll around the floor an endless amount and suddenly recover as though Jesus himself had graced us with his presence when the opponent is booked or play is continued. Pathetic. I love the old footage of players who would literally break bones and continue if it meant helping the team. Now we see body builders being shot by them ever present snipers in the stands. They then get their £90,000 a week for 90 minutes work. So frustrating.

This week Stephen Ireland (a once promising, now mediocre footballer) has been in the papers saying how shit life would be if he wasn't a footballer and how he'd never return to his native Ireland as it's a 'mess', as is the city of Birmingham where his former club was based. Way to thank the fans Stephen. This is what the press call a modern footballer- only interested in picking up their wage, having orgies and seemingly bragging and rubbing our noses in it.

You may, quite rightly, be wondering right now why I even bother going to watch this when it annoys me so much. Ironic even. But I think it's the same with everyone- One; I think we live in hope that one day football will go back to it's roots. When it wasn't a business but a sport (unlikely). Two; it's addictive and our loyalties were born before this age of pre-madonnas and we stubbornly go about our ritual every week as a stand against this growing trend of sour attitudes and values. At least that's what I think... maybe. Truth is, I'm not sure why but something needs to change fast or, as dropping crowd attendances prove, football will implode.

Rant over.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Crumbs In The Butter #2 - If I have to Shimmy around another dog...

Another post, another gripe that includes trains and buses. And dogs. And the brain dead owners. Admittedly, this doesn't happen all that frequently, but when it does it makes up for all the days you didn't have to sit through it. You know the type; you're on the bus and it's packed to the rafters. It's hot, sweaty and the windows are dripping with vapour from the endless treadmill of drunks, obese gym goers and teenagers that only inhale and break the barrage of noise and meaningless chatter every 15 minutes. That's bad enough. God, imagine how much worse this situation would be if a never ending panting dog, whose breath reaks of dry biscuits, was here.

But wait, here's a delightful young chap dressed in a black tracksuit with 'North Face' plastered all over it getting on the bus. Hang on, what the fuck is that thundering up the aisle towards me? Oh, a dog, probably some form of banned pit bull. Is the driver going to tell him to beat it? More chance of David Cameron winning me over. Okay, so it's not the dogs fault he's on a cramped bus, but what if there was another dog already on it and all hell broke loose? I've always believed only guide dogs should be allowed on buses but everyone has rights these days. Anyhow, back to the scene. Thirty seconds ago I was blissfully blanking out the world and only worrying about avoiding the obviously drugged up (probable) criminal's on going glare from the other end of the bus. Now I have a slobbering dog sniffing every inch of my leg whilst the owner takes no notice and sits down. The dog eventually moves on until it lies down in the centre of the aisle. Now people have to shimmy and dodge this dog whilst the blacked out delightful young chap merely chats on his phone about how crap the latest job finding course he went on was. Finally, he simply whistles as the dog shoots past the bewildered witnesses and darts of the bus. Thank God. Although, I'd probably take the dog over the blacked out chap- but that's for another day.

I love dogs, but these owners that let them own the bus and put everyone on edge, are complete tools. Not even a lead for f sake. Again, all ask for is a bit of respect.

Rant over.

Twitter Tuesday - #worldbookday

Thursday is World Book Day- the day everyone has to read a book or they die. Or did I just make that up? Whatever the consequences, I encourage everyone to give reading a go. To help you choose a book, I've listed my top 3 books:

1. Dracula
2. Frankenstein
3. Salem's Lot

Yes, all three are horror books and therefore there's a huge chance that list did absolutely nothing to get your reading juices going. If you are a horror fan, or even a lover of Victorian novels, however, the top 2 books especially are just brilliant. I picked Dracula up for about £2 in a mess of a bookshop in town and can honestly say it is the best book I have ever had the pleasure of reading. This started my love of Gothic horror and I managed to read a number of classics around that time, all brilliant. Frankenstein came the closest to taking Dracula's crown but lacked that 'scary horror' factor I crave which so often is the case. Salem's Lot is another honourable mention, written by Stephen King (who else?) and certainly worth a look.

As an avid reader, i am always open to new genres etc., so if you have read a book you feel is worthy of facing Dracula, please recommend it!