Sunday 6 March 2011

Crumbs In The Butter #3 - Ballerinas with Studs

Hmmm, should I actually be writing this? This topic gets me so irate it may be best for my future health if I just stopped now. However, that's why I created this blog- to blow some steam amongst other things, so here goes. Modern footballers/ soccer players. JESUS! They make my blood steam! It seems that in the last 20 years, football has slowly been dying. Gone is the passion and loyalty to fans and in is the Buggati's and Lamboghini's. Then there's their attitude. It's so annoying when you've looked forward to and  planned the week around Saturday afternoon only to turn up, freeze your chosen genitalia off, and trod through the same puddles on the way home wondering what in the hell makes you get up and watch that shower of sh*te every week.

Okay, obviously not all footballers represent this 'modern footballer' image but those who do are no doubt ruining the whole spirit of the game. Every week I sit in stupidly cold temperatures after spending another £4/500  on a season ticket, which I inevitably wonder why at some point. Every week I see a 15 stone juggernaut super athlete momentarily dabble in the sport of the High Jump, only to then roll around the floor an endless amount and suddenly recover as though Jesus himself had graced us with his presence when the opponent is booked or play is continued. Pathetic. I love the old footage of players who would literally break bones and continue if it meant helping the team. Now we see body builders being shot by them ever present snipers in the stands. They then get their £90,000 a week for 90 minutes work. So frustrating.

This week Stephen Ireland (a once promising, now mediocre footballer) has been in the papers saying how shit life would be if he wasn't a footballer and how he'd never return to his native Ireland as it's a 'mess', as is the city of Birmingham where his former club was based. Way to thank the fans Stephen. This is what the press call a modern footballer- only interested in picking up their wage, having orgies and seemingly bragging and rubbing our noses in it.

You may, quite rightly, be wondering right now why I even bother going to watch this when it annoys me so much. Ironic even. But I think it's the same with everyone- One; I think we live in hope that one day football will go back to it's roots. When it wasn't a business but a sport (unlikely). Two; it's addictive and our loyalties were born before this age of pre-madonnas and we stubbornly go about our ritual every week as a stand against this growing trend of sour attitudes and values. At least that's what I think... maybe. Truth is, I'm not sure why but something needs to change fast or, as dropping crowd attendances prove, football will implode.

Rant over.

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