Wednesday 23 February 2011

Thatcher Mk.2

After a surprisingly normal bus ride home, I turned the TV on and skipped through a few channels. BBC, ITV and Channel 4 all had their usual news bulletins running and all had the same headline- NHS cuts. 55,000 jobs are to be axed as part of Government cuts. Having recently spent a lot of time in various hospitals visiting my grandad, this whole situation makes me sick. Every singly person I met in any of those hospitals were absolutely amazing and did a brilliant job. And now we have top class doctors and nurses who have spent years working hard and studying to get where they are today simply being axed with no plan B mentioned.

I can't help but see Thatcher's face that little more clearly each time that pompous, arrogant and deluded 'leader' of our country gets his face on tele. First it was Uni cuts, then all sorts of allowance cuts, then school cuts (a brand new state of the art school in my area almost closed after just a few months of operation and having spent millions building it) and now it's the jobs. What in the hell is this country going to be like in 10 years if these two deluded halfwits manage to stay in power? Terrifying thought.

That's not all, the next clip showed our David strolling around Libya like he was the saviour himself. I despair for this country while these has beens (William Hague anyone?) 'run' our society. He can't even run his own country and he's globetrotting around the middle east trying to solve theirs. So much for better schools, education and the NHS being 'ringfenced'. I honestly can't fathom the reason as to why anyone would be tempted to vote for these people. Why? Maybe it's me, if you did vote please enlighten me. Conservatives are just that- they conserve what they have and play it safe; it's happening already with all the cuts. Instead of investing money they're saving it.

This city (Liverpool) is and probably always be pro Labour so maybe I'm biased, but no one from this city will ever forget the misery David  Margaret Thatcher unleashed on our city (and everywhere else) which affected everyone. Mention her name here and you'll see by the reaction the legacy she left. Unfortunately, it seems more and more likely that 'call me Dave' is carrying on where she left off.

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