Monday 21 February 2011


Welcome to my new blog. Chances are, a link from my other blog -DayDreamsAndaPencil- has brought you here. The creation of this blog by no means signals that the end of Day Dreams, I will still be updating it as regularly as before, as art is my first love so it just means I have to produce extra content for this blog. But I love a challenge and I see this blog as the perfect way to satisfy my other addiction- writing. I love writing about anything, and that's what I plan to do.

The contents of this blog will range from my views on a current hot topic, a review of a film I went to see or maybe it will just act as a good place to express something/anything that may be on my mind at the time- rather like an online diary. Simply put, this has a more personal touch to it than my art blog and I look forward to sharing other interests and topics with you. Don't be alarmed if for the first few weeks certain elements of the site change as I can't resist tinkering with things and am, annoyingly, a bit of a perfectionist. Hope you enjoy reading and thanks for all the support I get on Day Dreams And a Pencil!

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